Der KölnShop
15% oFF on ALL oFFiCiAL
SouVenirS in THe CoLogne
The official Cologne Shop offers visi-
tors a wide range of Cologne-related
articles, including selected literature.
Looking for a nice souvenir or origi-
nal gift? Our staff will be glad to give
you a helping hand and look forward
to your visit.
* Gift vouchers, stamps, books, calendars,
CDs, DVDs, guided tours, tickets, hotel
bookings, online purchases and discounted
goods are excluded from the offer.
Kardinal-Höffner-Platz 1, 50667 Köln
phone: +49 (0)221 346 43 0,
www.der-koelnshop.deopening hours:
Mon-Sat: 9 am-8 pm,
Sun/public holidays: 10 am-5 pm
public transport:
from Bonn with local trains of DB
(RE 5, RB 48, MRB 26), subway/tram No. 16, 18
stop: Dom/Hauptbahnhof (main station)
TriP To CoLogne
KölnTourismus Führungen
(Cologne guided tours)
15% diSCounT
on guided TourS
Anyone is welcome to join our public
tours (at the fixed times). We offer a
wide range of interesting tours inclu-
ding everything from guided tours of
the city’s most important sights, the
Cologne classics, to slightly outra-
geous or special tours that show the
Rhine metropolis from a different
perspective. For information on
dates and time of departures, please
call +49 (0)221 34643-0
(Mon-Fri: 9 am-6 pm, Sat: 9 am-2 pm)
(Chocolate Museum Cologne)
uP To 17 % diSCounT*
Where in mediaeval Cologne the
anchorage and place of loading and
unloading of the Rhine bargemen
was to be found, today the Chocola-
te Museum is situated. The tour of
the exhibition over the three floors
of the museum is like a journey th-
rough the 4,000 years of the cultural
history of chocolate.
* adults 9%, persons entitled to reduced
prices with the appropriate proof of identi-
ty and entitlement 17% reduction
Kardinal-Höffner-Platz 1, 50667 Köln
www.koelntourismus.deTermine und Uhrzeiten unter
phone: +49 (0)221 346 43 0
opening hours (service center):
Mon-Fri 9 am-8 pm, Sun/public holidays
10 am-5 pm
public transport:
from Bonn with local trains of DB
(RE 5, RB 48, MRB 26), subway/tram No. 16, 18
stop: Dom/Hauptbahnhof (main station)
Am Schokoladenmuseum 1a, 50678 Köln
phone: +49 (0)221-931888-0,
www.schokoladenmuseum.deopening hours:
Tue-Fri 10 am-6 pm,
Sat, Sun, public holidays: 11 am-7 pm
public transport:
from Bonn with local trains of DB (RE 5, RB 48,
MRB 26), subway/tram No. 16, 18 stop: Dom/
Hauptbahnhof (main station), change to bus
No. 132, 133, 106 stop: Schokoladenmuseum
dieter Jacobi/ KölnTourismus gmbH
ndC BRWC 2015.indd 4
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