StattReisenBonn erleben e.V.
(guided city and cycling tours)
25 % diSCounT
With more than 50 different offers
StattReisen Bonn makes your stay in
Bonn become an experience: whether
you want to make a guided city tour, a
cycling tour or a theater tour, whether
you want to hear a lecture, make an
excursion into the region or visit one of
our many special programmes.
reduCed AdMiSSion
1€ Per PerSon
Good entertainment is guaranteed
– welcome to a rendezvous with luck
in the Casino Bad Neuenahr – with
Roulette, Black Jack, Poker and slot
machines. The reduced admission is
1€ per person.
Admission from18 years on, requires to
show a valid IDor another official identity
document at entrance.
Maximilianstr. 28d, 53111 Bonn
phone: +49 (0)228-65 45 53
www.stattreisen-bonn.deopening hours (office):
Mon, Thu and Fri 10.30 am-1 pm,
Tue and Wed 2 pm-5 pm
public transport:
underground/tram No. 16, 61, 62, 63, 66,
stop: Hauptbahnhof (main station)
Felix-rütten-Str. 1, 53474 Bad neuenahr-
Ahrweiler, phone: +49 (0)2641-7575-0
www.spielbank-bad-neuenahr.deopening hours:
classic casino: daily from 2 pm
Slot Machines: daily from 1 pm
public transport:
DB (german railway) to Remagen,
then take Ahrtal-Bahn to Bad Neuenahr
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