Conferences & Locations
Bonn Region

Museums A to Z



"Landjuden an der Sieg" memorial, Windeck

On the 50th anniversary of the German Reich's Night of Broken Glass the Rhine-Sieg district inaugurated a memorial to remind people of the life of the Jews in Siegtal and the destruction of their communities in the Holocaust. It shows pictures and written documents and provides information on the basic tenets of the Jewish religion in some of the museum's rooms.


Academic art museum, Bonn

The Akademisches Kunstmuseum (Academic Art Museum) belonging to the University of Bonn is the oldest museum in the city. It has been collecting significant Greek and Roman art from the Mediterranean countries since the start of the 19th century.

Its stock includes the largest collection of casts of ancient sculpture as well as a major collection of original Greek and Roman works made of various materials such as marble, bronze or clay.

Other pieces in the museum are on display to visitors in special exhibitions.


AhrWeinForum, Ahrweiler

The AhrWeinForum impressively displays interesting economic, cultural and historical aspects of wine-growing in the Ahrtal. A guided tour explains the start of wine-growing in the Ahrtal in the 8th century and the everyday life and living conditions of the winegrowers at that time and today. The artistically decorated rooms display original artefacts from viticulture in the Ahrtal. In addition, it is possible to view the historic vaulted ceiling dating back to the year 1878.


Arithmeum, Bonn

It slogan is: mathematics in the olden days and now is presented by the Arithmeum in the Institute for Discrete Mathematics of the University of Bonn giving an impressive insight into mathematics. Fascinating objects in an attractive architectural framework supplemented with geometric art await the visitor. The Arithmeum provides an all-round experience of learning, experiencing and understanding scientific and technical facts on the one hand and aesthetic enjoyment of architecture, exhibition design and art on the other hand. The leading worldwide collection of mechanical calculators is worth seeing.

Suitable for children:

The Arithmeum is a modern museum, in which you will encounter an aesthetic environment full of science and art. Both science and art can be extremely fascinating for children. The Arithmeum has therefore developed a wide-ranging programme for children.


Arp museum, Rolandseck station

Rolandseck station, the traditional jewel from the middle of the 19th century near Remagen, has been a place for famous artists from all over the world for centuries - for musicians, writers, painters and sculptors. After the restoration of the station, the new entrance leads straight into Richard Meier's newly constructed museum on the Rheinhöhen. The exhibition rooms there are reserved for the works of Hans Arp and Sophie Taeuber-Arp.

The station was originally the terminus for a private railway which travelled from Cologne. Nowadays a local train still stops here every hour, both in the direction of Koblenz as well as in the direction of Cologne.

The only museum with its own platform has taken shape in a particularly exposed location on the Rhine with a view towards the unforgettably beautiful silhouette of the Siebengebirge.


Art and exhibition hall of the FRG, Bonn

Three distinctive illuminated towers provide a welcome, a roof garden as a fifth facade, a series of columns representing the 16 Federal States - this is how the Viennese architect Gustav Peichl made the site unmistakable and emphasised the artistic significance of the building. The Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundeskunsthalle) on the Bonn Museum Mile was opened in 1992. The exhibition spectrum ranges from the fine arts and cultural history to science and technology. As the Art and Exhibition Hall does not own any collections itself, it relies on widespread national and international cooperation. A particular highlight is offered by the annual Museum Mile Festival on four days in May/ June with a diverse cultural programme.


Art association Bonn

Promoting the arts is the main aim of the Bonner Kunstverein (art association Bonn) that was founded in 1963. In its domicile at Hochstadenring 22, the Kunstverein presents internationally ground-breaking streams of modern art according to subject in individual exhibitions. The exhibition programme is accompanied by lectures, talks by artists, podium discussions, art trips together with projects for schools and children.


August-Macke-house, Bonn

The painter August Macke lived in the August Macke House, in Bornheimer Str. 96, with his family from 1911 until 1914. Today the house is a museum and exhibition venue and in addition to the private, personal aura of the artist, also gives an insight into the cultural and art history references in which the life, works and effect of August Macke were based. The only studio which the artist ever had was situated on the attic floor and he created an overwhelming number of works here in the space of only three years. The view from the window of the house to the surroundings, the Marien and Kreuzberg Churches, the garden in full bloom and Viktoriabrücke, but also the events inside the house are the subject of numerous pictures and sketches by the artist, which can still be easily retraced by visitors today.



Brückenhofmuseum, Königswinter

The Brückenhofmuseum is located on the way to the Rheinsteig in the vineyard town of Königswinter-Oberdollendorf. It surprises visitors with an impressive permanent exhibition and special exhibitions on local and regional history that are always interesting.

In the old half-timbered building dating back to the 17th century the permanent exhibition presents insights into a kitchen from the old days as well as a cobbler's workshop. Collections on stone cutting, stone crushing and carpentry and more than 300 old and new group photos await visitors on the attic floor of the building.


Carriage museum, Rheinbach

The private Carriage Museum belonging to the Mostert family houses more than 30 historical coaches from the 19th century.

The carriages from the heyday of carriage builders (18th/19th century) still command admiration today owing to their careful workmanship, varied shapes and beauty. They range from light one-horse carriages, larger hunting, travel and private carriages to luxurious coaches.

The carriages are mostly in a drivable condition and are used for weddings, processions and excursions.


Deutsches Museum, Bonn

The Deutsches Museum Bonn is the only dependence of the Deutsches Museum Munich. Here pioneering discoveries by Nobel prizewinners and many other technical masterpieces since 1945 in Germany are displayed, including Fischer-Dübel and the computer chip.

Approximately 100 exhibits from the scientific disciplines of physics, chemistry, biology, medical engineering, air and space travel as well as ecology document the developments of the last seven decades.
An excellent museum educational programme makes topics related to the natural sciences accessible to younger visitors in a way they can understand.


Drachenburg castle, Königswinter

Drachenburg Castle is situated below the Drachenfels. It was built from 1882 to 1884 and is now regarded as one of the most significant castle buildings of the late 19th century in Germany. After many years of restoration, the Castle, its grounds and the area in front of the Castle glisten in their original splendour. The living and reception rooms invite visitors to familiarise themselves with and experience the life and times of the period when it was built with all its sophisticated splendour. The Castle is surrounded by extensive grounds with ancient trees and majestic rhododendrons that entice visitors to take a leisurely stroll with unforgettable views over the Rhine.


Egyptian museum, Bonn

Close to the city centre, directly above the Koblenz Gate, the University of Bonn presents the oldest university collection in Germany: The permanent exhibition with the most important pieces of the Bonn collection of Egyptology. The collection provides a comprehensive picture of ancient Egyptian culture, starting from the 4th century BC until the 3rd century AD.
The exhibition itself is divided into three subject areas. In the first the ancient Egyptian burial system and the associated concepts of the afterlife are shown. The second area explains temple architecture, the role of the King in the temple and the relationship between humans and gods. The everyday life of ancient Egyptians is portrayed in the third area of the exhibition.‍


Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Museum, Bonn

The house of the writer and professor of history at University of Bonn, Ernst Moritz Arndt (1769-1860), is the only professor's house in Bonn of this period that has been preserved. It was built at the beginning of the 19th century by the architect Hermann Friedrich Waesemann, who also designed the red town hall in Berlin. At that time it was close to the University in the middle of vineyards and outside the actual city walls.
The Ernst-Moritz-Arndt building has been owned by the City of Bonn since 1867 and is now a dependence of the Stadtmuseums Bonn. In the small villa on the Rhine the Bonn Stadtmuseum presents special exhibitions, events, concerts, musical-literary soirées and readings.


Fishing museum, Bergheim an der Sieg

The fishing museum (Fischereimuseum) shows exhibitions on the cultural history of fishing on the river Sieg. It is the visitors' centre and portal to the nature reserve of Siegaue and open to anyone. The Fischereimuseum is used for holding events associated with the subjects of nature and culture and offers school classes a place to learn away from the school environment with a laboratory, amongst other things.


Glasmuseum Rheinbach

The Glasmuseum Rheinbach founded in 1968 by Freunde edlen Glases e.V. lies at the heart of the Himmeroder Hof civil and cultural centre. In the permanent exhibition valuable glasses from the Baroque era to contemporary studio glass are displayed. The museum gives an overview of the art of Bohemian glass production and decorating.

A special department illustrates the development of Rheinbach glass. Glass manufacture has a long tradition here in Rheinbach, which deserves to be appreciated.

There is also a display workshop in the glass museum - the museum workshop - that can be viewed. Here you can look over the experts' shoulders while they are polishing, engraving and repairing glass.


Gymnicher Mühle

The Gymnicher Mühle is an old water mill on the river Erft. It is mentioned for the first time in documents in 1315, but is probably considerably older. Today Gymnicher Mühle is a nature reserve centre and popular excursion destination.
An exciting nature experience programme awaits school classes, children's nurseries and groups of adults. The special features of the river Erft and the history of the mill are presented in the Erftmuseum and in the exhibition from corn to bread. The water amusement park covering 1.5 hectares with various play areas is a special experience not only for young visitors.
As well as regional dishes, the restaurant offers flair and hospitality from the Rhine. The view from the terrace to the herb garden is worth seeing. Birds of prey can be admired in the falconry, whilst hikers and cyclists can discover the Erftaue that is close by on several signposted routes.


Haus der Geschichte, Bonn

The Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (house of history of the FRG) presents the history of both German states after 1945 until the present day in an impressive permanent exhibition. Approximately 7,000 original exhibits can be viewed ranging from the Federal Chancellors' saloon railway carriage, an original 1950s cinema to parts of the Berlin Wall, Honecker's arrest warrant and the first green card for a foreign IT specialist. Historic film and sound documents as well as a large number of media stations encourage active discussion about the country's history.


Heimatmuseum Altwindeck e.V., Windeck

The old school building from the year 1900 gives impressive insights into the life of Bergisches Land before the end of the last century over two floors. The treasured collection displays everyday items for example from the kitchen, a corner shop or handicrafts such as the work of a blacksmith, cobbler or baker. A class room shows what a school was like during the time of the Kaisers. Two other half-timbered houses, a replica of a capstan mill and a farmer's garden portray rural life and work in Bergisches Land.


Heimatmuseum, Beuel

The history of Beuel is explained in the small group of half-timbered houses from the pre-historic mammoth, via Neanderthal man to the people of Oberkassel. Amazing discoveries from the Bronze Age and Roman times such as a life-size Roman legionnaire provide evidence of an eventful past. Life around the two world wars is also portrayed with a small bunker and a 40 kilo bomb acting as silent witnesses. In the adjacent living room, you can see a representation of life in previous centuries with an original kitchen, smart sitting room, bedroom and school room. The barn presents a traditional laundry in Beuel as well as the start of industrialisation.


Heimatmuseum, Lengsdorf

The Heimatmuseum reflects the history of the development of the part of Bonn called Lengsdorf. Guided tours in the museum and its grounds are available on request. The museum offers local history and folklore exhibitions, special exhibitions, lectures and excursions.


LVR-Landesmuseum, Bonn

The Rheinisches Landesmuseum, that was already founded in 1820, presents various forms of evidence of the Rhine's history, art and culture. After its refurbishment and re-design, the building was re-opened as a subject-based museum.
The permanent exhibition is arranged according to periods and topics. It includes phases from the people of the Old Stone Age and Neanderthal man to the present day. Regular temporary exhibitions offer a unique view of the cultural history of the Rhineland.
The museum provides a comprehensive educational programme for children and school classes.


Max Ernst Museum des LVR, Brühl

Max Ernst is a child of the major upheavals of the 20th century. As a painter, sculptor, illustrator and poet he reflects the core of his time. He dives into the unknown. In his pictures, sculptures, diagrams and books he shows the world under its skin and becomes one of the forerunners of Dadaism and Surrealism.

You can see more than 70 of his sculptures in the museum together with his entire graphic output. The heart of the museum is formed by the D-Paintings that are presented in their entirety for the first time; they consist of 36 drawings, which Max Ernst gave his wife Dorothea Tanning as birthday gifts and tokens of love.


Mineralogical museum of the University of Bonn

The exhibition with international status covers four rooms, focussing on four subjects - minerals and their classification, rocks and meteorites, ores and mineral raw materials, precious stones - over an area covering about 500 square metres.
The centre point is the classification of the approximate 550 most important minerals. The rooms with rocks and meteorites presents minerals that form small, irregular crystal compounds, which can grow together into rocks. In the Lagerstättensaal the various sources of usable minerals and how they were formed are demonstrated. The Edelsteinsaal containing precious stones is the museum's jewellery box. Here you can see minerals used to make jewellery as raw, unpolished stones.


Museum of modern art, Bonn

The Bonn Museum of Modern Art (Kunstmuseum) is a museum for contemporary art and is housed in one of Bonn's architectural highlights. The heart and identity of the building is formed by the collection of approximately 7,500 works including German art after 1945, its central compendium on August Macke and the art of the Rhine expressionists as well as the comprehensive stock of multiples by Joseph Beuys. Every year there are about a dozen travelling exhibitions on the art of the 21st century, offering the visitor a diverse range of exhibitions.


Picture book museum Burg Wissem, Troisdorf

An idyllic position in grounds with a game reserve and playground are home to Burg Wissem, which houses Europe's most important collection of picture books.

As well as historical literature for children and young people from 1498 to the present day, the exhibition presents a comprehensive collection of original picture book illustrations.

The exhibits on a generous permanent loan from Janoschfilm & medien AG makes the Picture Book Museum Troisdorf the largest Janosch centre in the world. Originals from all the creative periods of the popular artist are shown in alternating compositions.


Rheinisches Malermuseum, Bonn

The Rheinisches Malermuseum (Rhenish painting museum) in Budapester Str. 23 that was opened in 1989 shows old equipment used by painters and varnishers such as dry colours, paintbrushes, brushes, furniture, tools for gilding, stencils and pigment grinders in a painter's studio from the turn of the century. Handicraft and painting items such as facade designs, ceiling and wall paintings, decorative painting, marble painting and drawings of all kinds bring the various techniques to life.
A history of the guilds of Bonn and Bad Godesberg documented by flags, documents from Master craftsmen and apprentices and written documents show the work of the painting and varnishing professions around 1900.


Römervilla museum, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler

During road building work at the foot of the Silberberg the rooms of a nobleman's house dating back to the 2nd to 3rd century were discovered.
The unusually well-preserved find of a Roman villa is surrounded by an attractive museum building, which protects the ancient building fabric.

In addition to the murals, a bathing facility, a kitchen as well as fully intact underfloor heating were discovered. Numerous everyday items from antique window glass, tableware, hair pins to a theatre mask were found. The walk through the ancient rooms gives a very clear picture of provincial Roman life almost 2,000 years ago. There is also an exhibition of small finds that were made during the excavations as well as various special exhibitions.


Schumann´s house, Bonn

The composer Robert Schumann spent the last few years of his life in the building at Sebastianstraße 182 in Bonn-Endenich. This has now become the music library of the City of Bonn and the Schumann memorial rooms. The endearing small museum in Bonn-Endenich displays furniture, letters and memorabilia owned by the Schumann family. The city's music library in the Schumann’s House contains 46,000 notes, books, periodicals, CDs, videos and new media. The annual Schumann Festival has been taking place since 1998 to honour Robert Schumann. Concerts are also held in the Schumann’s House, which concentrate on Schumann's piano and chamber music in particular.


Siebengebirgsmuseum, Königswinter

The Siebengebirgsmuseum in the heart of Königswinter shows the life and history associated with Königswinter and the Siebengebirge. As well as the many exhibits from the first heyday of the Drachenfels and Rhine romanticism, the permanent exhibition also displays interesting items on the use of the countryside and its history. The museum's own bakery in the front courtyard is fired up every two weeks and local master bakers bake bread there, which is then offered for sale.


Stadtmuseum, Bonn

The history of the city of Bonn comes to life in the Stadtmuseum Bonn: in the museum founded in 1989/90 in Franziskanerstraße visitors can follow the development of Bonn from the Roman settlement to the present day. The focus of the chronological collection is on the 18th and 19th century and reflects the peaks of Bonn's history: expansion to a major residential city of the Electors of Cologne, the establishment of the first university in Bonn in the 18th century and Bonn's role as the capital city of the Federal Republic of Germany in the 20th century. The house of the academic, poet and publisher Ernst-Moritz-Arndt from 1819 is used as a dependence of the Stadtmuseum. Here special exhibitions are organised together with concerts and readings.


Stadtmuseum, Siegburg

The history of Siegburg is presented here on four exhibition levels from early times to the Federal Republic of Germany. The collection focuses on the famous Siegburg ceramics, which were amongst the most well-known ceramic products in Europe until the 17th century, and important fossils from the store in Rott.

The vaulted ceiling from the Middle Ages is definitely worth seeing. A large number of events are held here during the year and make the building one of the region's cultural centres. The range covers concerts, lectures and conferences together with theatre, dance and live performances.


Stiftung Bundeskanzler-Adenauer-Haus, Bad Honnef

The building situated in a beautiful location in the Siebengebirge is surrounded by a luxuriant garden full of trees, bushes and flowers. An interesting tour gives insights into the private life of the first chancellor Adenauer and contemporary politics. Below the house there is an exhibition building with documents telling the story of the life and works of Adenauer. The grave of the former Chancellor is located in the Rhöndorfer Waldfriedhof cemetery, about 15 minutes from where he lived.


Stiftung Naturschutzgeschichte, Königswinter

Right at the birthplace of German nature conservation the Stiftung Naturschutzgeschichte (Natural History Foundation) presents visitors to Drachenburg Castle with an overview of the history of nature conservation in Germany.
The museum displays the major development features of the nature conservation social movement in an informative manner on two floors of the lower part of the castle.
Everywhere interactive elements give visitors the opportunity to travel on a voyage of discovery through the history of nature conservation.
The exhibition was kindly sponsored by NRW-Stiftung Natur–Kultur–Heimat.


Treasure vault Saint Servatius, Siegburg

The Siegburg treasure vault of Servatius with its shrines, reliquaries and portable altars is one of the most significant collection of Roman church treasures in the world. After the dissolution of the Benedictine abbey on Michaelsberg the reliquaries there were promised to the Catholic parish of St. Servatius in 1812. The basic stock consists of the many reliquaries, which the Holy Archbishop had already arranged to come to Siegburg abbey in the year 2 AD. The treasure vault was completed with many exhibits later on and re-organised in 1991.


Willy-Brandt forum, Unkel

In 1979, Willy Brandt moved to Unkel and lived in the small town on the Rhine as a citizen among citizens. This is where he wrote his memoirs and looked back on an eventful life. From here, as an elder statesman, he continued to work worldwide for the realization of his political ideals. Willy Brandt died in Unkel on October 8, 1992.

The modernly designed and technically supported exhibition conveys an unforgettable impression of the political work of the politician Brandt and makes a visit to this museum an experience in contemporary history."


Women´s museum, Bonn

The Bonn Women's Museum was established in 1981 as the world's first museum of this type by committed women. The most important objective of this unique institution is to promote women's art, culture and science. In addition to individual exhibitions by major artists, broad interdisciplinary subject projects and documentation from history, politics and the Third World are on display.
Art and culture are not only absorbed over an area covering 3,000 square metres, but also produced in six studios. The wide-ranging events, concerts, lectures, readings, theatre and dance contribute to the lively atmosphere of the museum.


Zoological research museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn

The Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig is one of the most important natural history museums in Germany. It focuses on researching and explaining the wide range of species on the Earth. In the permanent exhibition Our blue planet - the living network complex ecological systems are made comprehensible by realistically re-creating major habitats. The exciting journey begins in the African savannah and continues through tropical deserts and the polar ice world back to central Europe. Special exhibitions complete the programme. The Museum played a significant role in the history of the founding of the Federal Republic: The celebratory opening session of the Parlamentarischer Rat (parliamentary council) was held in the atrium on 1 September 1948.