Bonn's summer stage
11. Juli - 23. August 2025
The Kunst!Rasen is Bonn's summer stage. Located on the edge of the Rheinaue, surrounded by linden and chestnut trees, the beautiful area can accommodate up to 10,000 visitors. Celebrities such as Lionel Richie, Deep Purple or Wincent Weiss perform on three stages throughout the summer.
On 30.06.2024 the Klassik!Picnic of the Beethoven Orchestra Bonn will take place again. On the grounds of the Kunst!Rasen, picnickers of all ages can look forward to an unforgettable afternoon with the Bonn orchestra on this hopefully sunny late summer day with lots of good cheer.
In addition to self-catering options, a variety of food and beverage offerings will be available. Admission to this event is free."
Programme & Tickets | More information: kunstrasen-bonn.de